
Michele Mittleman

Of Counsel

Michele Mittleman is Counsel in The Cook Group’s New York office. Michele has specialized in all aspects of insurance defense for over (30) years. She began her career as in- house counsel for Travelers Insurance, and later defended the interests of the insureds of numerous carriers. She has also represented plaintiffs in a wide range of premise, general, automotive and commercial litigation matters. She has extensive experience in the area of toxic torts, including asbestos, vigorously defending manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers. She is experienced in both federal and state courts.

Prior to joining the Cook Law Group, Ms. Mittleman was a partner at a large law firm representing clients in numerous state and federal jurisdictions, and personally managed the Upstate New York office while defending multi-million dollar cases pending on the NYCAL docket.

Professional and Civic Affiliations:

  • Nassau County Bar Association
  • New York State Bar Association

Significant Recent Engagements:

  • Spearheaded the National Counsel Team overseeing thousands of matters in the MDL and NYCAL asbestos litigation.
  • Personally handled thousands of depositions in the areas of toxic tort, premise, auto and general liability, and commercial litigation.
  • Represented, defended, and negotiated successful settlements and dismissals on behalf of product manufacturers, premise owners, suppliers and contractors.
  • Significant pro bono work, including advocating for Superstorm Sandy victims seeking redress from FEMA and New York State grant programs.

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